CD Price: $10.00
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Baghdad Blues (3:52)
Elephants Ball (2:50)
War Against Nouns (3:00)
Texas Waltz (3:54)
Hankies & Hotdogs (3:08)
Something That Feels Like Nothing (2:21)
Sea of Fire/Sea of Ashes (3:42)
Click to hear tracks in blue above.
Written, performed and produced by Dr. Octojoculus, with
Rusty Eelcloud: Additional guitar on 2 & 9
May 2, 2003
In Summer 2002, Doc became increasingly outraged by the George W. Bush Doctrine and drumbeat of pre-emptive war, and he embarked on a race against time to complete his howl of rage and frustration before the bombs started dropping. He was a little too late, and so Dr. Octojoculus vs. Georgie Poo was unveiled to the public the day after the unelected President declared "mission accomplished." He was wrong, and subsequent events have done nothing but confirm the truth of such songs as “American Empire,” “Terrorist Nation” and “Sea of Fire/Sea of Ashes.” The music is Doc’s most diverse, organic and accessible yet, featuring new toys like slide guitar, pocket trumpet and Fender Rhodes.
Toiling on the fringes, Dr. Octojoculus (aka Gary M. Gray) has been perfecting his eclectic stew for two decades, providing unique songs and an inimitable vocal presence for bands such as Barnacle Choir, Jimmy Jesus of the Cross, Naked Ape, Shellhead Mutants, Fizztabs and CornCorp in addition to his WWA, Dr. Octojoculus and octopop "solo" projects.