CD Price: $10.00
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Afterburner (3:10)
I Don't Know (4:22)
The Last Damn Drop (5:14)
Hangman Chant (4:56)
Longhorn Valley (3:51)
On The Car Video (3:50)
Polysyllabic (2:32)
Too Hung Over To Come Over (3:20)
Future Is Now (3:13)
Stop Your Song (3:44)
Click to hear tracks in blue above.
Written, performed and produced by Dr. Octojoculus, with
John Stuart: Drums on all but 3 & 13
Anatol Sucher: Guitar on 4, 5, 7 & 8
Gabriel Barkin: Guitar on 1; fake sitar on 6
Corn Man Pig: Guitar on 2
Rusty Eelcloud: Guitar on 5
Peter Accident: Words on 13
May 1, 2008
A yard-sale clearance of odd bits and loose ends, finally featuring a real drummer. Garage prog, garage rock, garage punk, garage country western, all made in the garage.
Toiling on the fringes, Dr. Octojoculus (aka Gary M. Gray) has been perfecting his eclectic stew for two decades, providing unique songs and an inimitable vocal presence for bands such as Barnacle Choir, Jimmy Jesus of the Cross, Naked Ape, Shellhead Mutants, Fizztabs and CornCorp in addition to his WWA, Dr. Octojoculus and octopop "solo" projects.